Note: All sessions display, regardless of any personal session registrations. If you pre-registered for sessions, you can view your session selections on the MNCPA website via the My Schedule & Products page (requires separate login).

  • Day 1
  • Day 2
  • Day 3
  • Favorites
  • 08:00 AM - 09:25 AM

    A1. Harnessing AI in Accounting: Practical Applications for Today

    YP Friendly

    NASBA FOS: Specialized Knowledge - Technical (1.5)

    AI stands to revolutionize not just accounting but how all knowledge work is done. This practical session is designed for anyone to develop an understanding of AI, while focusing on what’s useful today. Learn how AI is impacting the accounting landscape for firms and clients' business practices. Devise a clear framework for rolling out AI responsibly in your accounting firm and understand how to develop an agile firm capable of embracing continuous change, rather than being overwhelmed by it.

    1. Jason Staats, CPA, MBA

      Mesa Digital Media LLC, Beaverton, OR

  • 09:25 AM - 09:45 AM


  • 09:45 AM - 11:00 AM

    B1. Federal Individual Tax Highlights

    NASBA FOS: Taxes - Technical (1.5)

    Review various federal income tax laws impacting individuals, emphasizing newly enacted tax legislation, court cases and IRS guidance. Topics will be determined based on the most recent developments up to the date of the seminar.

    1. Pat Garverick, CPA, MT, CFP

      The Tax U, Goodyear, AZ

  • 09:45 AM - 11:00 AM

    B2. Minnesota Cannabis Market Update

    NASBA FOS: Taxes - Technical (1.5)

    Cannabis is a new, complex and growing industry. Learn the nuanced issues cannabis entrepreneurs and operators face. Also, understand how you, as a CPA, can help your clients who are business owners, looking to enter or invest in this industry. Gain an understanding of the opportunities and the unique tax and accounting challenges presented by the cannabis industry.

    1. Cory Parnell, CPA

      BGM, Bloomington, MN

  • 09:45 AM - 11:00 AM

    B3. Know Your Medicare Options

    NASBA FOS: Specialized Knowledge - Technical (1.5)

    Many financial professionals represent clients who are higher income and have questions about the Income Related Monthly Adjustment Amounts (IRMAA). This session is designed for CPAs, FPAs, and financial professionals who need to guide their clients through Medicare options. We will discuss when to start the Medicare application process, the pros and cons of working full time with a Group Health Plan versus applying for Medicare and whether Medicare enrollment is mandatory. This session will equip you with the essential knowledge to better serve your higher-income clients.

    1. Rhonda Whitenack

      Social Security Administration Office of Public Affairs, Bloomington, MN

    2. Brian Rudolph

  • 09:45 AM - 11:00 AM

    B4. Networking for Young Professionals

    YP Exclusive

    NASBA FOS: Personal Development - Non-Technical (1.5)

    Are you a CPA early in your career looking to build a strong professional network? Join us for an engaging session to learn what networking truly is and why it is crucial for your professional growth. Explore effective strategies for communication, event networking and practical ideas to incorporate networking into your daily life. Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your networking skills and expand your professional connections!

    1. Boz Bostrom, CPA, MBT

      College of St. Benedict & St. John's University, Collegeville, MN

  • 11:00 AM - 11:20 AM


  • 11:20 AM - 12:10 PM

    C1. Minnesota Department of Revenue Update

    NASBA FOS: Taxes - Technical (1)

    The Minnesota Department of Revenue (MN DOR) has had another busy year. Hear from Commissioner Paul Marquart on the latest happenings. Get an overview of recently passed law changes, review the implementation efforts, and get up to date on the department’s work to prepare for the upcoming tax filing season.

    1. Paul Marquart

      Minnesota Department of Revenue, Saint Paul, MN

  • 11:20 AM - 12:10 PM

    C2. Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sales Tax But Were Afraid to Ask

    NASBA FOS: Taxes - Technical (1)

    Afraid of sales taxes? We get that! This session will ease your fears, shedding light on the darkest corners of exemptions and local tax rates and Internet sales and electronically delivered tech. Why are certain services taxable, like lawn mowing, while landscaping is not? Why is soda taxable but not apple cider? Who decided a Retail Delivery Fee is not a tax but is still oddly triggered by selling anything taxable? How in the world is software tangible? All will be revealed during this 50-minute magic act.

    1. Thomas Zessman

      Minneapolis, MN

  • 11:20 AM - 12:20 PM

    C3. Strategic Practices for Success: Outpacing Competitors, Adopting Technology and Nurturing Top Talent

    NASBA FOS: Personnel/Human Resources - Non-Technical (1)

    Join Bradley Trangsrud, Head of Client Accounting Services at alliantgroup, on a deep dive into how CPAs can leverage CAS to streamline and enhance their tax preparation process post-busy season, offering valuable insights for firms looking to improve efficiency and client service. Discover the key benefits of utilizing CAS for tax preparation.

    1. Bradley Trangsrud

      alliantgroup, Houston, TX

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  • 11:20 AM - 12:10 PM

    C4. Professionalism From Office to After Hours

    YP Exclusive

    NASBA FOS: Personal Development - Non-Technical (1)

    Appropriate behavior when interacting with coworkers and clients is crucial for new professionals, both during work and outside of the office. Pick up tips on proper ways to interact with people when meeting them for the first time, as well as guidelines for appropriate behavior in social settings. Ensure you are always presenting yourself professionally, no matter the context.

    1. Deenna Steinhaus

      Etiquette and More, Mankato, MN

  • 12:10 PM - 01:00 PM

    Lunch Break

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  • 01:00 PM - 02:15 PM

    D1. Troublesome Income Tax Issues for Trusts and Estates

    NASBA FOS: Taxes - Technical (1.5)

    Discover key issues impacting the income taxation of trusts and estates, including charitable contributions on fiduciary returns, allocating expenses in determining the makeup of Distributable Net Income, complex vs. simple trusts and when to recognize a grantor trust.

    1. Edward Zollars, CPA

      Kaplan Financial Education, La Crosse, WI

  • 01:00 PM - 02:15 PM

    D2. Federal Business Tax Highlights

    NASBA FOS: Taxes - Technical (1.5)

    Review various federal income tax laws impacting businesses, emphasizing newly enacted tax legislation, court cases and IRS guidance. Session topics will be determined based on the most recent developments up to the date of the seminar.

    1. Pat Garverick, CPA, MT, CFP

      The Tax U, Goodyear, AZ

  • 01:00 PM - 02:15 PM

    D3. MN Legislative and Professional Update

    NASBA FOS: Business Management & Organization - Non-Technical (1.5)

    Stay ahead with the Minnesota Legislative and Professional Update. Discover how local legislative activities, election results and new Board of Accountancy rules impact your business and clients. Learn about national developments that broaden CPA pathways and key trends shaping 2025. Join us to understand MNCPA’s behind-the-scenes efforts to advance CPA issues.

    1. Geno Fragnito

      Minnesota Society of CPAs, Bloomington, MN

    2. Linda Wedul, CAE

      Minnesota Society of CPAs, Bloomington, MN

  • 01:00 PM - 02:15 PM

    D4. Minnesota Individual Income Tax: Form M1 and Other Schedules

    NASBA FOS: Taxes - Technical (1.5)

    Gain a solid understanding of individual income tax returns during this comprehensive session. Learn about the calculation of taxable income under Minnesota laws and reporting adjustments for Minnesota purposes on supporting schedules. Enhance your tax preparation skills and build confidence in handling Minnesota individual income tax returns.

    1. Keri Reiter, CPA

      Deloitte Tax LLP, Minneapolis, MN

  • 02:15 PM - 02:35 PM


  • 02:35 PM - 03:50 PM

    E1. Social Security: Know Your Options

    NASBA FOS: Specialized Knowledge - Technical (1.5)

    Over 70 million Americans depend on Social Security to be a part of their retirement income but not everyone understands the strategies and methods designed for those preparing for retirement. One of the most important planning decisions is when to claim Social Security (SSA) benefits. There are many factors to consider when making this important decision. This session is designed to take the confusion out of the many options available to receive Social Security and will help you and your client determine which option is best. Whether you are single, married, divorced, or widowed this valuable course will help you understand the various options.

    1. Rhonda Whitenack

      Social Security Administration Office of Public Affairs, Bloomington, MN

    2. Brian Rudolph

  • 02:35 PM - 03:50 PM

    E2. Partnership 2024 Update

    NASBA FOS: Taxes - Technical (1.5)

    Examine recent developments in partnerships, including: new case law related to self-employment income in limited partnerships (Soroban Capital Partners); challenges with the BBA partnership audit rules; a partner’s responsibility to maintain basis records; required tax basis capital reporting and more.

    1. Edward Zollars, CPA

      Kaplan Financial Education, La Crosse, WI

  • 02:35 PM - 03:50 PM

    E3. Finding Your Flow in Constant Chaos

    NASBA FOS: Personnel/Human Resources - Non-Technical (1.5)

    We all know that the only constant is change, but what happens when change feels like chaos? With change all around, how can firm leaders stay goal-oriented for the sake of the firm? Explore what it means to find your flow to focus your leadership on the goals at hand, despite the steady chaos. While chaos won’t disappear, its impact will dissipate, allowing you and your team to ride the current.

    1. Will Hill

      Will Hill Consultants, Ann Arbor, MI

  • 02:35 PM - 03:50 PM

    E4. Young Professional 1040 Case Study Part 1

    YP Exclusive

    NASBA FOS: Taxes - Technical (1.5)

    Review the basics of individual taxation, such as ordinary versus long-term capital gain tax rates, loss limitations, passive activities and the QBI deduction. Walk through a completed Form 1040 and examine how the Form 1120S Schedule K-1 and Form 1065 Schedule K-1 amounts are reported on the related schedules of Form 1040.

    1. Pat Garverick, CPA, MT, CFP

      The Tax U, Goodyear, AZ

  • 03:50 PM - 04:10 PM


  • 04:10 PM - 05:00 PM

    F1. Ethical Leadership

    NASBA FOS: Behavioral Ethics - Non-Technical (1)

    News of ethical violations spread quickly in today's world. Now more than ever, organizations risk losing employees and customers when a company acts unethically. Learn how your organization can stay protected by creating an ethical culture for all stakeholders.

    1. Boz Bostrom, CPA, MBT

      College of St. Benedict & St. John's University, Collegeville, MN

  • 04:10 PM - 05:00 PM

    F2. BOI Reports' Rapidly Approaching Initial Reports Deadline: What You Need to Know

    NASBA FOS: Taxes - Technical (1)

    The deadline for all reporting entities that existed on Jan. 1, 2024, to file their initial Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) reports under the Corporate Transparency Act is Jan. 1, 2025. Impacted clients are seeking assistance from attorneys and CPAs to comply with these requirements. How can you assist your clients? Examine which entities must file, the information to be provided, the major challenge of updated reports and recent guidance on unauthorized practice of law issues.

    1. Edward Zollars, CPA

      Kaplan Financial Education, La Crosse, WI

  • 04:10 PM - 05:00 PM

    F3. Surviving a Tax Audit: Avoid the Scars and Resolve Your Case

    NASBA FOS: Taxes - Technical (1)

    Tax attorneys Ben Wagner and Kathleen Pfutzenreuter discuss essential audit strategies, including how to prepare for an audit interview or conference, answering unreasonable government requests, the Cohen rule and more.

    1. Kathleen Pfutzenreuter

      Wagner Tax Law, Minneapolis, MN

    2. Benjamin Wagner, JD

      Wagner Tax Law, Minneapolis, MN

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  • 04:10 PM - 05:00 PM

    F4. Young Professional 1040 Case Study Part 2

    YP Exclusive

    NASBA FOS: Taxes - Technical (1)

    Review the basics of individual taxation, such as ordinary versus long-term capital gain tax rates, loss limitations, passive activities and the QBI deduction. Explore a completed Form 1040 and examine how the Form 1120S Schedule K-1 and Form 1065 Schedule K-1 amounts are reported on the related schedules of Form 1040.

    1. Pat Garverick, CPA, MT, CFP

      The Tax U, Goodyear, AZ

  • 05:00 PM - 06:00 PM

    X1. Happy Hour

    In-Person Exclusive

    End your evening on a high note when you join your fellow attendees and speakers for lively conversation, appetizers and beverages.

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Minnesota Society of CPAs
1650 W 82nd St., Suite 600
Bloomington, MN 55431
